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Re: orion synagogues

According to Stephen Goranson:
> Perhaps we can all agree that much depends here on the definition(s) of
> "synagogue."
[. . .]
> 	I would add, as an aside, that several other publications relevant
> to synagogue study are now in press. These include a collection of essays
> with important observations, especially on diaspora synagogues, by Leonard
> V. Rutgers (publisher: Peeters). And a collection of essays including
> papers from the Second International Conference on Galilee in Antiquity
> (Duke Judaic Studies series; Eisenbrauns).

And a collection of essays presented first at the Philadelphia Seminar for
Christian Origins, edited by Howard Clark Kee and including one of his
essays, which I recall as thoroughly addressing the question of

 > best wishes, 
> Stephen Goranson
> goranson@duke.edu

Sigrid Peterson  UPenn  petersig@ccat.sas.upenn.edu