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orion Sodom and Gomorra

I am forwarding this query to the Orion list. Because it is rather far 
off-topic, I ask you, please, to reply personally to Ms. Clara 
Strijbosch. She is not su-bscribed to Orion.


Avital Pinnick, Ph.D.                                   tel: 972-2-588-2063
list moderator/bibligrapher                             fax: 972-2-588-3584
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 22:54:59 +0200
From: Clara Strijbosch <Clara.B.Strijbosch@let.ruu.nl>

Does anybody know of a text in which the Flood and the destruction of
Sodom and Gomorra are connected, e.g. Sodom and Gomorra are not destroyed
by fire but because sink into the/an abyss, probably under water? And/or
does any of you know anything about the name of a city/place

These things appear in a Dutch/German version of The Voyage of Saint
Brendan, and I suppose they are derived from apocrypha/pseudepigrapha known
in Ireland.

I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Thank you,

Clara Strijbosch