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orion Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition

From: Hans van der Meij <MEIJ@BRILL.NL>
Subject: Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 15:51:30 +0100

"second, if someone who has the Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition would be
kind as to describe it:  i.e., dimensions, quality of print, does the
hebrew/aramaic text rest on the left side while the english translation
on the facing page on the right, what color is the book, how is the
of the paper, etc..."

To all Orion list subscribers:

I am responding to mr. Jim West's query above. Here are some details
with regards to the DSS Study Edition, as well as a special offer for
Orion list subscribers. In view of the commercial content, I have
requested and received permission for this posting from the list
moderator, Dr. Avital Pinnick.

-The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition (edited by Florentino Garcia
Martinez and Eibert Tigchelaar) is being published by Brill in two
hardback volumes with dust jacket. Volume 1 is now available and Volume
2 will be published late Spring 1998.

-Volume 1 contains the texts 1Q1 through 4Q273. It contains the full
transcriptions in Hebrew/Aramaic of all non-biblical materials. The
contents of the biblical scrolls are summarized. 

-The book has the Hebrew (or Aramaic) and the English translation on
facing pages. All texts, which are arranged consecutively by Q-number,
are preceded by a heading which contains essential bibliographical

-The dimensions of the volumes are 15 by 23 centimetres (approx. 6 by 9
inches). The quality of the printing, as well as the paper and binding
conform to the highest standards.

-Volume 2 will contain the remainder of the Qumran texts (i.e. 4Q274
through 11Q25), as well as indexes. This volume will be published in
June 1998.

-The volumes can be purchased separately at approx. $100 per volume, or
as a set at a price of approx. $185.

-Volume 1 has 648 pages. The total no. of pages for the two volumes will
be approx. 1200 pp.

Nota Bene!
Special Offer: Orion list subscribers who send in their order for the
set to me by e-mail will receive a 20% discount on the set price. This
offer is valid until 1 June 1998.

Hans van der Meij
Religion Publisher
Brill Academic Publishers
e-mail: meij@brill.nl