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Re: Essene name

Ian Hutchesson wrote:
> >4Q Therapeia which reports of the rounds of the Qayyepha/Kefa (leader)
> >among the sick and the applications of medicines.  Josephus mentions their
> >use of roots and stones to cure distempers (Wars II.viii.6).  Knowledge and the
> >Healing arts seem to be associated with the Essenes.  Since Asayya would be
> >transliterated to "Therapeutae" for the Egyptian group, I can see the etymology
> >from Asayya to Essenoi.

> Sorry to interrupt your reverie, Jack, but I truly don't think
> "transliterated" is what you mean.

	Gosh, Ian. I haven't been in a reverie since Neil Armstrong walked
on the moon....Oh..that's a revelry...on second thought, maybe I was.

 Perhaps "asayya" is a transliteration
> from some arcane script. How 'bout the less highfalootin' "translated".

	Nope, I meant transliterated.
> Oh, and where do I find a reference to "asayya": I couldn't find it in Josephus.

	I'll quote John Allegro in "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth"
1991 Promethues, p12:

	"Although the name `Essene' was known only in its TRANSLITERATED Greek
forms, Essenoi, or Essaioi, there seemed good reason it represented an Aramaic,
ie Semitic, word meaning `physician' (asa, plural asayya), and reflected the
popular idea that these pious people, like Jesus and his followers, exercised
power over demons, an essential part of folk-medicine"

	Aramaic ASAYYA to Greek ESSAIOI. Sounds transliterated to me.

	In short, I agree with Dr. Allegro.  Since the Egyptian counterparts
of the ASAYYA called themselves a TRANSLATED "Therapeutae" it works for me.


Jack Kilmon
Houston, Texas