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Re: question

From:           "Niels Peter Lemche" <NPL@teol.ku.dk>
Organization:   Teologisk Fakultet
To:             orion@pluto.mscc.huji.ac.il
Date sent:      Sun, 14 Apr 1996 16:39:56 GMT +100
Subject:        Re: question
Priority:       normal
Send reply to:  orion@pluto.mscc.huji.ac.il

Judith on Daniel in tradition:

BTW, I seem to remember reading that the name Daniel (at least with ref. to
the "Daniel" of the first half of the book) may be taken from the name of an
ancient  sage  renowned throughout the ancient Near East, about whom other
writings in other languages exist.  Was THAT Daniel presented as a person with
priestly concerns, or merely as a sage in the wisdom literature sense?  BTW,
can you tell me where I can read more about that original Daniel, on whom our
"Daniel" may well have been modelled?

Judith Romney Wegner,
Connecticut Colelge

This is not quite correct. Daniel is mentioned in Hezekiel together 
with Noah and Hiob as one of the three sgae persons from ancient 
times. Otherwise, he is compared to king Danil (Danilu/Danelu) of the 
Ugaritic Aqhat epos, but here he is not a sage but a just king.

Niels Peter Lemche
Dep. Biblical Studies
University of Copenhagen
Phone: 45 49 13 81 24
Fax: 45 49 13 81 28
e-mail: npl@teol.ku.dk

Dear Niels and Judith,

I am not sure if "just" should be the attribute ascribed to Ugarit's 
Danel (or, as Gibson transcribes dn'l, Daniel).  In Aqhat 17:22:5-
6,199-20 and other places, Danel himself admits to the possibility 
of being in a state of inebriation. Too, though I have not been able 
to locate the exact reference to the point, it had been my 
understanding that Danel was also adulterous.

Dave Fouts
Bryan College